
Kuranda Bed (Best Doodle Bed) – Item of the Week

Once a week we’re going to highlight an item we believe will benefit you and your Doodle (or any other dog and sometimes maybe a cat.) This week, we’re looking for the best Doodle bed.

Most of these items we’ve used ourselves, along with, in most cases, a number of alternatives. So we usually have a unique perspective on these things in regards to effectiveness, safety and quality. We hope this helps you and your four-legged family members!

In our long journey to find the best Doodle bed, we've tried many...

Through the years, we’ve used all kinds of beds. We’ve needed beds for the floor, bedrooms and in crates. We’ve used everything ranging from old t-shirts tossed into a crate to expensive, luxury memory foam beds. Most of them are hard to clean and they don’t last very long. All dogs have the “puppy phase” – they love to chew things and if they get bored, I’ve seen them destroy seemingly indestructible items. I remember well when Baldie, now our oldest Goldendoodle here on the farm, completely annihilated the “indestructible dog toy“. 

Young brown curly golden doodle
Doodles will love sleeping on your couch, unless given a better place to sleep!

After many years and many beds, here's why Kuranda beds might be the best Doodle beds.

1. They'll help keep your dog's joints healthy.

Their elevated design evenly distributes your dog’s body weight which eliminates pressure points that cause sore hips, shoulders, elbows etc. Those pressure points can also cause callouses on the elbows. 

golden retriever on a kuranda bed

With Kuranda Beds, there are no more pressure points which means your dog’s joints feel better and no more elbow callouses.

2. They're easy to clean.

Kuranda Beds don’t have any stuffing which means they don’t get stinky. Hair doesn’t stick to them like pillow beds and the fabrics are easy to spot clean or hose off. They dry quickly and look like new for years.

No more renting an upholstry cleaner to clean the couch!

Golden brown labradoodle on couch
If not taught otherwise, your Labradoodle will make himself comfy on your new living room furniture.

3. They're durable.

You’ll get your money’s worth from a Kuranda Bed. The unique design protects the fabric edges from wear and tear and Kuranda Beds come with a 1 year chew proof warranty. A Kuranda Bed might be the last dog bed you’ll ever need to buy.

Click here to watch a short video discussing how they’re made and what makes them so durable.

4. Most dogs really do love them.

Kuranda Beds make a great, clearly defined space that is ideal for place training. Kuranda Beds are comfortable so dogs are happy to go to place and stay there for long periods of time. The clear boundaries relieve confusion about whether they are on or not on place and when dogs clearly understand what you want, they are happier.

We love these beds.

In our long search for the best Doodle bed, we’ve found two, maybe three that we really like. These Kuranda Beds rank up at the top. A good bed is a good investment for your Doodle, Lab, or any other dog. We recommend you give it a try!

And by the way, they offer some other really terrific products such as dog crate beds, collars & leashes and bed pads. Click here to see all they offer.

You can click here to see other supplies we’ve tried. (This is especially helpful if you’re waiting on your new puppy!)

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